Public hearing on property tax rates set for Wednesday
The Maui News
The Maui County Council will hold a public hearing Wednesday on real property tax rates that Mayor Alan Arakawa has proposed for the fiscal year that begins July 1.
The hearing will start at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers on the eighth floor of Kalana O Maui at 200 S. High St.
The following are the proposed and current rates per $1,000 of net taxable assessed valuation for each class of property:
• Homeowner, $2.90, $2.70.
• Commercialized Residential, $4.68, $4.35.
• Residential, $5.70, $5.30.
• Agricultural, $6.09, $5.66.
• Conservation, $6.24, $5.80.
• Apartment, $6.45, $6.
• Commercial, $7.10, $6.60.
• Industrial, $7.19, $6.69.
• Hotel and Resort, $9.36, $8.71.
• Time Share, $15.38, $14.31.
Each testifier will be allowed to speak for three minutes. Oral testimony may be received remotely from district offices on Molokai at 100 Ainoa St., on Lanai at the Lanai Community Center on 8th Street and in Hana at the Hana Community Center, 5091 Uakea Road.
To ensure distribution prior to the hearing, written testimony must be received, faxed to the Office of the County Clerk at (808) 270-7171 or emailed to by today. If written testimony is submitted at the public hearing, 15 copies are requested.
Public access to the county building will be available from the first-floor entrance. Individuals planning to attend the hearing may use the lower parking lot adjacent to the building.
The agenda is available at