Worker driving county Jeep charged with DUI

Police officers detain the driver of a white Maui County Jeep on Friday morning on South Kihei Road. * Peter Tierney photo
The Maui News – A Maui County employee was assigned to nondriving duties after he was arrested for allegedly driving under the influence of drugs Friday morning in a county Jeep.
John Cavaco, 57, of Waiehu was charged with driving under the influence of drugs, according to police records. He was released after posting $1,000 bail.
Cavaco was arrested at 10:54 a.m. on South Kihei Road near the Kihei Canoe Club, according to police records.
Maui County Communications Director Rod Antone confirmed that Cavaco is a county Water Supply Department employee. Antone said that Cavaco had been “restricted to nondriving duties.”
“The county is investigating,” Antone said Tuesday.
The arrest occurred in a location where police officers often ticket drivers using their cellphones, said Peter Tierney, who was in the area Friday after leaving the Pet Food Bank.
Tierney watched as police officers had the driver get out of a white Maui County Jeep.
“He could hardly stand up,” Tierney said.
He said officers walked the driver away from South Kihei Road and across a parking lot in front of the ABC Store. A crowd was in the area as police had the driver try to walk a straight line as part of field sobriety testing, Tierney said.
“The third time, he fell over,” he said. “He looked to me like he was physically debilitated.”
Cavaco couldn’t be reached for comment.