
Meeting set to discuss park closure, stabilization

Iao Valley State Monument will be closed from Oct. 16 to Dec. 16 (at the latest) to complete the first phase of stabilization work, the state Department of Land and Natural Resources announced Thursday.

The department will hold a community workshop meeting from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Velma McWayne Santos Community Center in Wailuku to discuss the closure and continued improvements.

Maui District Superintendent Larry Pacheco said that staff, engineers and consultants will provide a presentation and field questions at several information stations. The project team will discuss the status of the first phase, the proposal for the second phase of work and the DLNR’s proposal for current facility and infrastructure improvements to the park water system, comfort station, sewer and parking, access and security and future park improvements.

“We ask the public to please stay out of the park and construction area during the closure,” Pacheco said. “The walkways are not safe and the concern is that if someone got hurt at the park, nobody would know that someone is there injured.”

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