
Judge Cardoza named state Judiciary’s Jurist of the Year

Annual award recognizes judicial competence, extra-judicial work and public service

JOSEPH CARDOZA – Chief judge of 2nd Circuit

The Maui News

Second Circuit Chief Judge Joseph Cardoza was recognized as the 2018 Jurist of the Year at a recent state Judiciary awards ceremony.

“Judge Cardoza is an exemplary judge and leader,” said Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald. “His knowledge of the law, leadership skills, diligence, and integrity have earned him great respect from the Bar, litigants, judiciary employees and his fellow judges.

“He works tirelessly, often behind the scenes, to ensure that those in need of services are able to get assistance, and that justice is administered in a fair and impartial manner.”

The Jurist of the Year is selected annually by the chief justice from nominations submitted by attorneys and Judiciary personnel. The award recognizes a full-time trial judge who exhibits exceptional judicial competence, evidenced by the quality of decisions; significant extra-judicial contributions to the administration of justice; and active participation in public service to the community at large.

Cardoza was appointed as a 2nd Circuit judge on June 24, 1999, and was named chief judge in 2012. He presides over the Maui Drug Court, Environmental Court and Veterans Court.

Before becoming a judge, he was a senior partner in the law firm of Cardoza and Fukuoka. He served as Maui County prosecuting attorney from 1983 to 1991, deputy prosecuting attorney from 1977 to 1983, and deputy county attorney from 1975 to 1976. Cardoza received his law degree from the University of Puget Sound School of Law, now known as the Seattle University School of Law.

“He’s the hardest-working judge we have in this circuit,” said Maui County Prosecuting Attorney John D. Kim. “He knows more law than any one of us that appear before him.”

Deputy Prosecutor Tracy Jones said the judge “is a great example of a public servant with an exemplary work ethic.”

“He’s everything a jurist embodies,” she said. “He’s hardworking. He knows the law. He has an even temperament. He works to deliver justice in whatever capacity he has been assigned — as a prosecutor, as a private attorney and all his years on the bench.

“He’s a big proponent of access to justice to make sure this community has access to the services of the courts.”

The award was presented at the Hawaii State Judiciary’s 2018 Statewide Incentive Awards Ceremony.

The 2nd Circuit Fiscal Branch received a group certificate of commendation at the ceremony.

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