
County seeks seniors, caregivers for survey

A survey of older adults and their caregivers is being conducted by the Maui County Office on Aging through Feb. 1.

The results of the survey will help the county plan for the 2019-to-2023 period. The report will outline how the agency intends to meet identified goals and activities in the next four years and will be shaped by demographic and income information, community needs assessments and growing trends throughout Maui County.

The survey, which is anonymous, is for part- or full-time Maui County residents 55 or older and caregivers who in the last six months have helped another person with bathing, cooking, cleaning, laundry, transportation, translation and bill payments.

Caregivers don’t have to be blood-related and may offer remote support. They also may include unpaid caregivers of someone 60 or older, an unpaid caregiver of someone 18 years or older with a disability or a guardian of a younger person, such as a grandparent or relative raising grandchildren (by hanai or other arrangement).

The survey may be found online at www.mauicountyadrc.org. Paper surveys also are available by calling the Office on Aging at 270-7349.

The survey data will be reported in an office on aging plan to be released in the spring.

For more information about the survey or the plan, contact James Mariano at 270-7349.

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