Photo of the Day: ‘Chasing Ha’iku’ The photo of the day “Chasing Ha’iku” comes to us via Sydney Arcilla. Send your best photos from Maui County to for a chance to have your photo featured on the front page of our six day a week digital edition. NewsletterToday's breaking news and more in your inboxEmail(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Yes No Local News Residents fear cutbacks in Akaku Maui Community Media budget Tobacco bill moves forward through Maui County Council Multiple individuals testified Friday during a Maui County Council meeting in support of a bill that hopes to ban ... Photo of the Day: Maui Saturday Swap Meet Best Buys Maui man sentenced for trafficking fentanyl resulting in death Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset brings Christmas cheer to children Maui bus stops being added to Lahaina Villager route Effective Dec. 17, the Maui Bus Lahaina Villager route will be adding back six bus stops that were originally part ...
Tobacco bill moves forward through Maui County Council Multiple individuals testified Friday during a Maui County Council meeting in support of a bill that hopes to ban ...
Maui bus stops being added to Lahaina Villager route Effective Dec. 17, the Maui Bus Lahaina Villager route will be adding back six bus stops that were originally part ...