KCA seeks donations for study of nearshore waters
The all-volunteer, unfunded, nonprofit Kihei Community Association is fulfilling by action what we have said in word, “E malama pono.” Dedicated to protecting, sustaining and enhancing our ‘aina, kai and ‘ohana, KCA is championing a drive to fund a professional scientific study to examine the nearshore quality of our waters in South Maui, an ongoing concern.
We believe it is urgent to complete a March 2016 analysis of turbidity and nutrient content with an evaluation of microbial content of the nearshore waters. That is the element most immediately affecting the health of people in the water; it is not included in reef health or other marine studies. Having this information will help many ocean users focus their concerns, take action to address the issues and form public policy around solutions.
So this is about the health of everyone who enters the nearshore waters. Why should people donate; the government should be doing this? You are right. They should, but they are not. So you can keep advocating for the right thing, or decide this is too important to our collective health to wait.
We are stepping up pledging the first $3,000 toward the study, expected to cost about $12,000, as we ask concerned businesses, organizations and individuals to donate with a tax deductible contribution via our supporter, Maui Nui Marine Resource Council. Sierra Club Maui Group already has with $1,000. It is for your health and your ohana’s and the visitor industry. See www.gokihei.org.
Mike Moran
Kihei Community Association