
Article was best argument for new form of government

Bravo to The Maui News for the June 10 article “Job hunting in the twilight of the Arakawa administration.” This is the best argument I have heard yet for the transition to a new, professional manager form of county government.

We don’t need cronyism and careerists running our pubic services. We need competent, experienced, dedicated public servants who are not interested in following their administrations to higher offices or continuing to obtain positions on the public payroll in any capacity they can figure out. Public service is not personal service.

Vote for getting the change to professionalize Maui County government. Contact County Council Members Yuki Lei Sugimura, Riki Hokama, Don Guzman and Robert Carroll and ask them to allow the citizens of Maui County to decide whether they want to continue to allow unqualified mayoral appointments to run county departments or would they prefer to hire experienced, competent, managers to run our county departments.

The Policy, Economic Development and Agriculture Committee will be making a decision on June 19 about whether to advance a proposed charter amendment allowing voters in the November election to determine whether they like having political appointees run the departments of our county government or would they rather have experienced, competent professionals do the job. Let your voices be heard.

Paul Janes-Brown



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