
MACC announces dates for ’18 portrait challenge

Maui Arts & Cultural Center has announced application and jurying dates for its signature triennial exhibition, Schaefer Portrait Challenge 2018.

Entry dates and locations are 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 19 at the Honolulu Museum of Art School on Oahu; 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 1 at the Wailoa Arts Center in Hilo; 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 16 at Kauai Community College in Lihue; and 9 a.m. to noon Sept. 23 at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center in Kahului. Artists may bring their work to any of the four jurying locations. Semifinalists will be selected at each location based on direct observation of the work by the jury. Final jurying will take place on Maui, based on a review of digital images of the semifinalists’ work from all four jury locations.

Jurors for the challenge will include Charles Cohan of Oahu; Carol Bennett of Kauai; and Jennifer Owen of Maui. Exhibition dates will be Jan. 16 to March 18, 2018, at the MACC’s Schaefer International Gallery.

Artists interested in participating can access the “Call to Artists” prospectus and application, available at mauiarts.org/SPC2018. Printed copies are available at the MACC or by mail on request. Contact Neida Bangerter, gallery director, at neida@mauiarts.org or 243-4288.

The Schaefer Portrait Challenge is a statewide exhibition that has been held triennially since 2003, encouraging Hawaii artists to present the people of their island communities through explorations in portraiture. The exhibit features the carefully selected entries of artists whose work best captures the state’s extraordinary portrait subjects.

Two cash prizes will be awarded, including the Jurors Choice Award for $15,000, sponsored by Jack and Carolyn Schaefer Gray, selected by the jurors and presented at an opening reception Jan. 14. The Marian Freeman People’s Choice Award for $5,000, sponsored by Gage Schubert, will be based on the popular vote of gallery visitors and will be awarded at another reception on March 9, 2018.

The challenge is open to artists 18 years and older who are Hawaii residents. All works entered must be original, one-of-a-kind and newly created specifically for this exhibition. A broad range of interpretation and style from representational to experimental work is encouraged. Self-portraits are also allowed.

Accepted media are drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking and mixed media. Artists must submit a statement about themselves and their portrait subject with their submissions.

For additional information and rules, visit mauiarts.org/SPC2018.

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