
Business/In Brief • Nov. 1, 2014

History, culture promoted to tourists

HONOLULU – Tourism officials are looking at ways to get visitors to look beyond the beach by promoting Hawaii’s history and culture.

The Historic Hawaii Foundation and the Hawaii Tourism Authority are promoting the islands’ history and culture to get travelers to return and also bring in first-timers who aren’t interested in the beach.

A Friday forum on heritage tourism is aimed at ways to preserve Hawaii’s unique sense of place while providing a visitor experience that goes beyond traditional leisure branding, The Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported.

Historic Hawaii Foundation Executive Director Kiersten Faulkner said it’s the first time the visitor and heritage industries have come together.

“While Hawaii has done an outstanding job in explaining the aloha, the culture, nature and beauty that makes it different than other places, we really have room to grow in explaining the history of this place,” she said.

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