
Energy conference planned

The Maui News

The 2017 Maui Energy Conference will examine a broad range of topics, including energy resilience, emerging trends in Hawaii energy policy and energy storage technology, according to an announcement.

The conference aims to explore a “vibrant and clean energy future.” It will be held from March 22 to 24 at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. Its website is www.mauienergyconference.com.

Conference plans call for discussing energy resilience.

“How do we define resilience and sustainability?” the announcement asks. “What do these look like? What strategies will get us to an energy system that is resilient? The challenge of achieving decarbonized energy production and maintaining a reliable, safe, affordable, secure and resilient energy system is formidable.”

Also on the conference’s first day will be a review of emerging energy trends in Hawaii.

“What market signals are policymakers sending to energy stakeholders? Is it possible to stabilize energy prices and electricity rates, reduce carbon emissions and provide reliable, safe, affordable and resilient energy all at the same time? What measures will policymakers implement to protect vulnerable populations?”

On the second day, one of several panel discussions will focus on “Technology: Is storage the key to resilience?”

The panel will look at specific storage technologies and their contribution to resiliency.

“Are these systems ready for deployment and cost effective?” the announcement asks. “Do they provide more than one function on the grid? Can customers provide support for their own electrical needs through storage?”

Distributed energy resources refers to smaller power sources that can be brought together to provide power for consumer demand.

The conference offers sponsorship opportunities, and exhibit spaces are available for organizations to display products and services as well as hands-on demonstrations of new technology.

The event is presented by the Mayor’s Office of Economic Development and the Maui Economic Development Board.

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