
Rule aims to prevent spread of rhinoceros beetle

A ruler and a penny help provide a size comparison for a dead adult coconut rhinoceros beetle found among compost bags at a Maui store on Sept. 11. Photo courtesy Department of Agriculture

The Maui News

The state Department of Agriculture established a new interim rule on Wednesday to help stop the movement of the coconut rhinoceros beetle, three weeks after a dead beetle was found among compost bags at a Maui big-box store.

On Monday afternoon, the Advisory Committee on Plants and Animals recommended approval of an interim rule that restricts the movement of palm plants; decomposing plant material, such as compost, wood or tree chips; mulch; potting soil; and other landscaping products that may harbor the beetle, from infested areas to noninfested areas.

In addition, the new interim rule restricts the movement of palm plants higher than 4 feet in height, which will enable closer inspection of palm crowns where the beetles are most likely to bore into a tree. Oahu is considered a coconut rhinoceros beetle-infested area under the new rule; all other areas in the state are currently considered noninfested.

“The new interim rule will help our agricultural inspectors prevent the movement of coconut rhinoceros beetle and strengthens penalties for those who violate the rules,” said Department of Agriculture Chairperson Sharon Hurd, who signed the rule Wednesday. “Preventing pathways of movement, and early detection is key to stopping the spread of these invasive beetles.”

The interim rule is effective immediately and valid for one year while the department finalizes a permanent rule. It’s based on a previous interim rule established in July 2022 but expands restrictions on the movement of potential host plants and plant materials and increases the penalties.

Any individual, company or organization that violates the rule will be charged with a misdemeanor and face fines ranging from $100 to $10,000. Penalties for a second offense committed within five years will require the violator to pay for the cost of cleanup and decontamination fees to remove contaminated materials, and the cost to fully eradicate any infestations caused by the violation. Repeat violators will face fines ranging from $500 to $25,000.

On Sept. 11, the first coconut rhinoceros beetle was detected on Maui in a bag of compost shipped from Oahu. No other coconut rhinoceros beetles have been found on Maui. However, the efforts to restore the land and soil on Maui and Hawaii island due to recent wildfire damage have increased shipments of compost and organic landscaping material from Oahu, increasing the risk of the transport of the beetle to noninfested areas, the department said.

Surveillance for the beetle has been ongoing on all Neighbor Islands, including pheromone traps at airports, harbors and other strategic locations.

Residents on all islands are also urged to check their compost bins and green waste for coconut rhinoceros beetle larvae and be aware of the visual signs of feeding damage on live palms.

The beetle is a serious pest of palm trees, primarily coconut palms, as the adult beetles bore into the crowns of the palms to feed on the tree’s sap, according to the department. This damages new unopened fronds, which, when fully opened, may break and fall unexpectedly. If the beetle kills or damages the growing point of the palm, the tree may die. Secondary fungal or bacterial pathogens may also attack the wounds caused by the beetle, thereby killing the tree as well.

Reports of a possible infestation may be addressed to the CRB Response Team at (808) 679-5244 or info@crbhawaii.org. Or, call the state’s toll-free Pest Hotline at (808) 643-PEST (7378).

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