
Blessing for preschool held

Hawaii Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke (center) unties a maile lei during Wednesday morning’s blessing ceremony to kick off construction of new community centers and a tuition-free Bezos Academy Preschool at the Kaiaulu o Kuku‘ia affordable housing project currently under construction in Lahaina. Looking on are Ikaika Ohana Director and President Douglas Bigley (from left), Maui County Deputy Managing Director Josiah Nishita, Bezos Academy President Mike George, state senators Troy Hashimoto and Angus McKelvey and Kahu Wayne Higa. Luke said affordable housing and child care are the community’s two most pressing needs. The Maui News / MATTHEW THAYER photos

The Maui News

A blessing was held Wednesday for new community centers and a new Bezos Academy preschool at the Kaiaulu o Kuku’ia, affordable housing project in Lahaina.

Lt. Gov. Sylvia Luke joined developer Ikaika ‘Ohana and Bezos Academy for a blessing ceremony commemorating the new preschool at the site of affordable rentals for 200 families, which is still under construction.

“Ikaika ‘Ohana provides a foundation for growth in the communities that we serve. Part of this commitment includes coordination with local service providers and other strategic partners,” said Doug Bigley, director and president of Ikaika ‘Ohana in a news release. “We are excited to partner with Bezos Academy to bring early childhood education to this community. Housing and education remain two of the biggest challenges for our governments today, and these have become exponential in Lahaina after the Maui fire and COVID-19 pandemic. Ikaika ‘Ohana, alongside Bezos Academy, remain committed to supporting this community in the years to come.” 

The project’s land is owned by the Hawai’i Housing Finance and Development Corporation, serving households earning up to 60 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI). The housing development will be sustainable and energy-efficient, providing cost savings for residents and will include two on-site community centers with kitchens, tech centers, lanai dining, and other services, according to a news release.

Kahu Wayne Higa chants while conducting Wednesday’s blessing.

One of the community centers will host the tuition-free, Montessori-inspired Bezos Academy preschool for low-income families. Bezos Academy Maui – Lahaina will offer full-day programming, year-round, and capacity for 40 children between the ages of 3-5, the news release said. The preschool’s Montessori-inspired curriculum focuses on hands-on activities to teach literacy, math, sensory development, social-emotional learning, and more. Bezos Academy hires, trains, develops, and pays talented educators and provides full support for children during their day, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks at no cost to the families it serves. 

“We know that across the country, families are struggling to find affordable, convenient preschools for their children,” said Mike George, president of Bezos Academy. “Today, we are honored to participate in this sacred blessing of the future site of Bezos Academy Maui – Lahaina with Lieutenant Governor Luke, Ikaika ‘Ohana and our local leaders, whose partnership and dedication to the families of Lahaina are what made this possible. As the community continues to heal and rebuild, we are more committed than ever to creating strong educational opportunities for students and families.”

Ikaika ‘Ohana is providing the space rent-free, and Bezos Academy will cover all the costs of operating the school and contribute toward construction costs. Bezos Academy announced their signing of a lease with Ikaika ‘Ohana in September. Affordable housing providers are one of Bezos Academy’s largest category of preschool host partners, the news release said.  

“Bezos Academy Maui – Lahaina not only addresses the longstanding need for early childhood support in our West Maui community but also symbolizes the importance of fostering holistic communities for families to thrive,” said Luke. “In the aftermath of the Lahaina fires, taking a moment to acknowledge and bless the site before the construction of the Bezos Academy preschool is so important. We hope that one day, this preschool will be a nurturing space where our Lahaina keiki can grow and flourish.”

The school is projected to open in 2025, though construction time lines are still being determined. Families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty level (about $120,000 per year for a family of four) with children aged 3-4 are eligible to apply. Once the school opening date is set, more information and an application for the lottery-based selection process will be posted at www.bezosacademy.org.

Bezos Academy President Mike George describes some of the features of the tuition-free Bezos Academy Preschool to be built at the Kaiaulu o Kuku‘ia affordable housing project while speaking during Wednesday’s blessing in Lahaina.

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