
Maui County Department of Agriculture seeking input on Food and Nutrition Security Plan

The Maui News

WAILUKU–The County of Maui Department of Agriculture is collaborating with community partners across Maui, Molokai and Lāna’i to develop a Food and Nutrition Security Plan and is seeking help prioritizing strategies to support Maui County’s food system, according to the county.

The Food and Nutrition Security Plan aims to ensure that all Maui County residents have access to affordable, nutritious and culturally appropriate food. The plan will be carried out by community leaders, including nonprofits, small businesses and government-supported projects working to build a better food system for Maui County.

Based on input from more than 600 community members, including farmers, ranchers, fishers, hunters, foragers, educators and public health workers, the County Department of Agriculture has developed a draft set of plan goals and objectives that address the top food system needs identified across Maui, Molokai and Lāna’i.

Those interested in helping the department prioritize the plan’s draft objectives and provide feedback on what’s missing from the plan may complete a 10-minute survey before Oct. 11, 2024. The survey is at https://bit.ly/MauiNuiFNSP.

A virtual community meeting on the plan will be held Tuesday, Oct. 8, at 6 p.m. to provide information on the plan and allow participants to share feedback and Maui County’s food security needs. To register for the meeting, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckce6grjkqE9B822-P4D9m5SbwCh2CNbDE#/registration.

The full draft of the plan, including a description of the planning process so far, is available at https://www.mauicounty.gov/agriculture.

If you have questions about the survey or plan, contact the County Department of Agriculture at [Agriculture@co.maui.hi.us]Agriculture@co.maui.hi.us or (808) 270-8276.

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