
Enforcement over or lack thereof of what is illegal

Illegal fireworks, illegal motorcycles and e-bikes doing wheelies on our roadways, golf carts driven all over the roads like it’s legal, underage drinking, underage vaping and smoking…things you see daily without any consequence.

Since when was any of this legal? Who are the parents that facilitate if not outright purchase these things so that their underage kids can blatantly break the law with their full-knowledge?

I have never heard of a parent being arrested and fined or prosecuted for their child’s actions here.

Why not? Is the prosecutor’s office here so weak that laws mean nothing to them? I would hope not.

When was the last prosecution for illegal fireworks here in Maui County? Has there ever been one?

We have a mayor who was a judge and a lawyer, does the law mean anything to him? I sure hope so.

It seems to me that if enough people break the same laws, then nobody will do anything about it.

Is that the society we live in? Is it any wonder then that kids are getting older but still acting like children? Authority means nothing to them because parents have taught them that rules and laws don’t apply to them and they defend even the worst actions their kids do and blame law enforcement or unfair treatment.

As parents we are the real teachers, guidance counselors, managers, support group and mentors that our kids have. Parents need to do their jobs, too. Know that each one of us can change society.

Kapena Hill


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