Letter: Disrespectful, hypocritical to jeopardize community
So, MECO bad, and the county is bad because of the fires which were beyond devastating, but fireworks are okay in what is remaining of Lahaina?
You can’t have it both ways. You can’t be a victim when it benefits you and then part of the potential next devastating fire because you want to show off your illegal stash?
Makes you wonder if random firework stashes contributed to the fire that destroyed Lahaina and killed over 100.
It is disrespectful to jeopardize the remaining community in Lahaina. It is disrespectful to the families who lost everything in the fire, and shows complete hypocrisy for all the crying and sign waving done by anyone who set off these fireworks on Dec 31.
If someone from outside of your community lit a bonfire anywhere near the residential area, it would cause a complete meltdown; but the lucky few whose homes and families survived can jeopardize it all without as much as a peep from anyone? This is the inherent hypocrisy in many of the political and social arguments being had across our country. “Gimme, gimme, I’m a victim,” then turn around and be the cause of more hurt and devastation in your same communities.
Your community “leaders” should embarrass you in front of your peers, if they really care about the things they talk about. If they refuse to, then you just exposed the chink in your armor and caused any argument to lose all of its credibility.
Kapena Hill