
Letter: Processed meat products lead to high dementia risk

Eating meat is no longer just about heart disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes. It’s about dementia, too.

A study of 133,000 American men and women tracked for more than 40 years concluded that consumption of processed meat products leads to increased risk of dementia and reduced cognition.

The study was published last week in the prestigious journal Neurology.

Another study that tracked half a million United Kingdom adults over eight years found that daily consumption of an ounce of processed meat was associated with a 44 percent higher risk of developing dementia and a 52 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. That study was published five years ago in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Ready relief is offered by our supermarkets in their rich selection of legumes, nuts, grains, soy products and other natural protein-rich plant foods. The American Heart Association provides more details in their website heart.org.

Lex Nakahara


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