Letter: We have fireworks laws, nothing is done about it?
Daily explosions and aerial fireworks are being set off throughout the island, exponentially worse on holidays, and with zero accountability.
These are at least felonies, but when was the last time anyone was prosecuted, much less arrested for this daily occurrence? We have a statewide task force set up by department of law enforcement, for what? How much money is wasted on this useless project?
What is being done to stop the import of these things? You know it’s coming in via large shipping containers, right? There is no way they are being smuggled in on planes.
Those arrested with these illegal items would probably rat out their supplier just like how you catch drug dealers.
If tons of illegal explosives can be smuggled in to Hawaii, then it is no wonder how just as much drugs, and probably people are also smuggled in to Hawaii. Maybe if you actually look in to stopping one, you can stop it all.
The absolute lack of interest in this problem says a lot about Hawaii’s so-called leadership and its probable ties to organized crime.
If HECO can be held liable for not heeding warnings and taking steps to prevent disasters, then the state is just a liable for every overdose, fireworks-related injury and fire, and should be made to pay millions by the courts as well.
Patrick Herold