Letter: Earth’s power to rebalance seen in recent destruction
The world of men has been warned, threatened, given proof of the Earth’s power to destroy in order to rebalance, but still the frozen, alien and possessed faces of men in power look more like gargoyles than human.
These men whose hearts resemble dried mango pits. Or men with charred empty chambers where hearts ought to be; or men with proverbial black hearts which indicate peril and retributive karma. Not only to themselves, but to those who support, reinforce or rationalize the status of obviously malevolent figures in power.
If one looks closely at the faces of Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, Elon Musk or Donald Trump, for example, one sees dimness if any light at all; no cordiality, warmth or affective factors; and not even a flicker of virtue.
They, and thousands of other corporate stooges and puppets, appear to one to be nothing more than mangled and misbegotten creatures who have fed their souls to an infested, invested darkness, which seeks, for reasons beyond the rationality of the average person, ruination of the planet.
Fire is only one of the dragons that can imperil the world. Once it breaks free from restraint, this symbolic creature can wind and stretch like the Hana Highway, its serpentine movements. And once it rampages, there is no appeasement possible. No refuge in karma for many of us.
Other dragons might include microscopic bacilli, bacteria and viruses destroying silently and unseen by the naked eye.
Raphael O’Suna