
Letter: Where are accolades that once defined us?

Our self-proclaimed “Great Country” finds itself in a troubling downward spiral.

Where are the accolades that once defined us? Yes, we have made strides in equity, equality, and diversity, and fought against hate and fear. But where has this led us?

Today, we see a nation of individuals, keiki and kupuna alike, lost in worship of false idols: Materialism, instant digital affirmation and shallow self-interest. These distractions have replaced authentic purpose and the highest virtues of humanity.

True self-growth, rooted in self-interest, fosters coexistence even amidst disagreement. But our current misguided self-interest feeds fear, hate and division.

Hate should not be feared but faced. It is a challenge to rise above, to engage in competition with, and ultimately to grow from.

As a new political administration approaches, there is an opportunity to redeem ourselves; not through collective mandates, but through individual moral principles that celebrate the diversity of America.

We must reclaim our orientation, our “true North Star,” and turn back to God.

This does not mean seeking a Messiah in our leaders. Donald Trump is not the Messiah, but neither should we blindly condemn him. He is a fellow human being who can play a role in helping this nation rebuild if we choose not to discard him outright.

It’s time to find our way, not by tearing one another down, but by lifting ourselves and each other toward a higher purpose.

Timothy Charles Owl Davis


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