
Water department seeking input on plan

The Maui News

The county Department of Water Supply is asking the public to participate in an online survey aimed at developing a strategic plan.

The plan is being prepared by consultants Harris and Associates and SSFM International. It is intended to provide long-term guidance for fulfilling the department’s mission to “Provide Clean Water Efficiently.”

Public input is being sought on three issues: customer service standards, environmental consciousness, and transparency and social responsibility.

People can take the survey at www.surveymonkey.com/r/County_of_Maui_DWS_Strategic_Plan_Public_Outreach_Survey.

The confidential survey should take about 11 minutes to complete.

More information on the strategic planning process is available by contacting Tony Herda at Anthony.Herda@WeAreHarris.com (Harris and Associates — lead consultant); Eric Matsuda at ematsuda@ssfm.com (SSFM International — local subconsultant); or Robert DeRobles at Robert.DeRobles@co.maui.hi.us (Department of Water Supply Division of Water Resources and Planning).

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