
25 new state conservation officers commissioned

Twenty-five recruits became commissioned conservation officers with the DLNR Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement during a graduation ceremony Friday at the Hawai‘i Convention Center. Courtesy photo/DLNR

Twenty-five recruits became commissioned conservation officers as the Department of Land and Natural Resource Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement hosted a graduation ceremony Friday at the Hawai’i Convention Center.

Family, friends, department leadership and academy instructors watched as each new officer was presented with a graduation certificate, followed by badge pinning.

According to the department, Officer Zane Dela Cruz will be assigned to his home island of Lanai, joining another recruit as the third and fourth Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement officers there.

Former state game warden Albert Morita, whom Dela Cruz calls “Uncle Al,” pinned the DOCARE badge on his uniform.

“Growing up he was our game warden,” Dela Cruz said. “He’s always been someone I’ve looked up to. He was very fair and consistent in how he performed his job.”

Prior to commissioning, guest speakers included former Lt. Gov. James “Duke” Aiona, who is a retired judge and provided courtroom instruction for the academy class, as well as University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law Dean Emerita Denise Antolini.

Hawaii island, Maui Nui and Oahu will all have seven additional DOCARE officers, while Kauai will have four.

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