Committee to consider updated zoning map
A bill to adopt amendments to the Maui Digital Zoning Map for 13 parcels will be considered by the Planning and Sustainable Land Use Committee at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Maui County Council Member Tamara Paltin announced.
Bill 66 proposes to adopt the most recently amended Maui Digital Zoning Map (4) as the official zoning map for Maui, including graphical portrayal of zoning designations. The digital zoning maps are available at www.mauicounty .gov/2159/Digital-Zoning-Map-Update-Project.
“The process of updating digital zoning maps can address minor revisions, but can also propose policy changes to rezone certain properties,” said Paltin, who chairs the committee. “These updates aim to have zoning designations consistent with a property’s use, community plan designation and state land use classification.”
The Planning Department recommends changing the zoning of 13 parcels to public/quasi-public district. The parcels are located at the University of Hawaii Maui College, Kula Hospital, Maui Memorial Medical Center, Kihei and Wailea fire stations, Wailuku and Kihei police stations, Maui High School, Baldwin High School, the future Kihei high school and Kamehameha Schools Maui.
Paltin said the committee will also discuss the South Maui Community Plan update process, including a review of selected finalists for nomination to the Community Plan Advisory Committee, or CPAC.
Members of the public can view the meeting on Akaku channel 53. Testimony can be provided in person at the Mayor’s Conference Room or via the videoconference link or phone number listed on the meeting agenda at The committee will also accept written testimony. For instructions on submitting written testimony, visit
For more information, visit or contact the committee staff at (808) 270-7838.